Top 5 Things to Consider When Selecting a Truck Driving School

As soon as you decide to train to become a professional truck driver, one of the most crucial decisions you will ever make will be selecting an appropriate training school with proper credentials, high quality instruction, job placement services and state accreditation status. There are numerous factors you must take into account before choosing a school; here are five that stand out.

At first, it is essential to consider tuition costs. Many students make the mistake of making decisions solely based on price - something which could end up being very costly in the end.

Find a school that provides both manual and automatic transmission training. While most new trucks feature automatic transmissions, certain employers still require drivers to know how to drive manual trucks as part of the job requirements. Focusing solely on driving an automatic transmission could limit job opportunities.

Once you've narrowed down your choices, it is advisable to visit each school on your list in person. This will allow you to tour the facility, meet instructors and students, ask any relevant questions, as well as discuss tuition costs, financial aid options, military benefits and veteran programs with school representatives.

Before choosing a school, it is a good idea to inquire into its placement rate. Selecting one with an impressive percentage of graduates gaining employment with solid trucking companies can only increase chances of success in finding employment after graduation.

 Consider whether or not the truck driving school you enroll in offers a guarantee, such as tuition refund or repeat courses if you fail the CDL exam for any reason. This gives you peace of mind knowing you have chosen an institution with faith in their program.

At this stage, it is advisable to research whether the school you're considering is affiliated with any trucking associations, in order to stay abreast of the latest policies and changes within the trucking industry. You could also speak with fellow truckers regarding schools they attended; taking time for this research can assist you in making the best choice for your future career as a professional truck driver.
